Somewhat depressing, and still exciting. BADprid3 has been promoted to the new leader of the 3Ra clan. I hope you will all
respect him as you have me, and continue to bring fun to the clan as we all strive to do. Ps7cho and I(studmuffin) will be
goin away for a while. We have been called to serve 2-year full time missions for our church, and as such it will not be
appropriate for us to play video games. It'll be a struggle, but we'll do it. If you want to know what would compel us to do
such a thing for 2 years, check out lds.org. A more helpful site to you if
you know nothing about our religion, would be to check out mormon.org.
Again, thank you for all the memories. Be rest assured that ps7cho and I will be back in 2 years time!!!
P.s. This website works MUCH better with firefox
Epic video #2! I'm ready to go back home to Texas. The internet up here in Idaho stinks! Just got DC'd from a game with shadow. He could tell ya, I was ready to punch a duck.
Thanks Sshadowninja! Epic job for your second video ever!
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There's something new about our website... have you noticed it yet? Try refreshing the page a few times. You'll see.
P.s. This website works MUCH better with firefox
I've added an About Page to the site, just so our visitors know a little bit about the clan, as well a small general list of clan rules. If you're a member of this clan, I kindly advise you to read it over. The rules apply to all in this clan.
P.s. This website works MUCH better with firefox
On Vacation in Idaho for the next week or so. I'll see if I can't get on to play though. I'm downloading HoN to my dads laptop right now, then i'll have to flash it over to my grandparents computer as a backup. Chances are my mom will be on this laptop most of the trip... This also brings me to the saddening task of giving up my leadership position in the clan. You see, on August 24th, I'll be leaving to serve a 2 year mission trip in Jacksonville Florida. As part of this trip I wont be allowed on the computer but once a week, strictly to check emails. This also means no HoN for 2 years, which is why I will be giving up the leadership. Or rather, passing it on until I get back. But of course when I get back I'll have a lot to learn anyway. But at least all the major bugs will be fixed. Hopefully... When it comes down to about a week away, I'll make my last post on here and transfer the leadership to some luck soul. Until then, we shall continue to vigorously pwn our enemies! Or Righteously share defeat. Even after i'm gone I will look forward to seeing the clan to have grown, and our members to have mastered their pro skills. haha.
Peace guys
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Month anniversary of clan site silence! Have an epic video
Thanks Sshadowninja! Epic job for your first video ever!
P.s. This website works MUCH better with firefox
It's been 4 days, and I finally have the mods in the list. Most of them should be working. If you notice any that arent' just give me a holler. I'll be working to clean up the look of this site over the next several days, hopefuly to get it working properly with other web browsers. Since firefox is what I use, it will continue to be the one that works best. I'll also be adding a cool feature to the site. Well, cool to me. No more waiting for each page of my site to load, everything will be on one page! You'll see. It's not as scary as it sounds. This way the music will always be playing no matter what part of the site you're at. Unless you Pause it that is. Additionally, you'll always be logged into the Xat Chat no matter where you are in the site. Hooray!
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Alrighty, I've got a top navigation going, with a link to our MOD page! This page has a list of mods(obviously) of which I've made(or tweaked, really) and ones that I really really like. So if you feel like you're having a hard time finding mods you like, check my list out. I pwnt fairly well with them. Well my cat is freaking out and eating our sofa, so I must go restrain her. Wish me luck!
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Holy crap! I can't believe i'm finally out of high school! It still hasn't quite hit me yet.. It still feels like I've gotta go to school at 9AM Monday morning. I feel great otherwise. Got my mom a copy of windows 7 while i was still under the benefits of being a Computer Science Class All-Star, got all my files off the schools servers, got a shipment in today with my cats new litter box, and a box with a part to my best friends car that I told her I would fix for 400 dollars less than the autoshop that found the problem(the part is 17 bucks After shipping...), a part for my sisters card came in too, AND I went for a 2 mile jog(with a .1 mile sprint to the finish!). I would say, it has been a rather good day. And it's summer! But without school... what will I do with my life?... HON ALL SUMMER LONG!!! hahaha-no. but yes.... but not ALL summer... bye
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Lol. Theme song of my life............ no jk. jk!!
P.s. This website works MUCH better with firefox
P.s. This website works MUCH better with firefox
I am so glad that summer is one freakin week away. I'm so stressed out about the finals I've gotta take, even though I shouldn't be. I'm gonna ace them all.. Ok maybe not.. but at least I will pass. That's all I really care about.
HON Party at BADprid3's house!! May 31st
It's gonna be awesome! I REALLY hope my parents don't decide to take a family vacation this weekend like they've been talking about. Because then I wont be able to play HoN! (sad face) Well-actually, when I think about it.. It would be kinda nice. chillin in a hotel with the AC blowin 60, watching tv and chowin on room service food.. Kinda of relaxing. We shall see what happens!
P.s. This website works MUCH better with firefox
DJ'd a Church youth dance this past Saturday. It was pretty savage sick if you ask me! So in spite of regaining the DJ thrill i mixed up a song to celebrate the 8th year anniversary of DJ Beaker (me)! Ok so not quite.. but I have been DJing for 8 years and I did mix up a song. Check it out! It's My Chick Bad(remix) by Ludacris, and Remember the name by Fort Minor(one of my favorite bands. Along with linkin park; same thing right?) Original Video ~StudMuffin
P.s. This website works MUCH better with firefox
I've got a Honmod page up. Working on getting links and navigation on this website so you can get around without the need of searching this blog for the links. I also propose a HoN party this coming May 31st. It's a school holiday here in Texas. there's 4 of us here who have purchased, I hope the rest of you do soon as well! Or get it in stores. I would be awesome to have the retail box of HoN. I'm considering getting it then selling the key on ebay.. I wonder if that will work.. lol.
P.s. This website works MUCH better with firefox
PREPARE YOURSELF!! Well HoN goes retail in about a week... I hope you guys have purchased, or plan too! because we're going to miss you deeply if you don't. This site will always be here for when you finally do purchase. Or at least, I'll do my best to keep it here for as long as I can... haha.
Aside from that depressing and awesome news, I've created my own HoNmod! ok.. so I didn't make it myself. I took someone elses mod and changed it to how I liked it, as well as added a few things in. If you've ever played DotA, the mother of the HoN idea, then you might enjoy this. It's got a few of the good old sounds from the DotA announcer. The original mod had ALL of them... well, I kinda like some of HoN's, so I moved them around and deleted some to produce a mod with just the ones I want. And to answer some questions, yes, it has the Holy **** sound... haha. I may change it in the future to fade out the **** part. I've also changed the Victory and Defeat sounds. Now they play music! Victory will play the happy theme song we as friends here in Texas loved to hear when we gathered to play video games. the Defeat sound is a little depressing sounding, because if you hear it you must suck, thus it fits the theme of the moment :D check it!
DotA Announcer.zip [HonMod] [1MB]
So ya it's a little big. I DO have 2 songs in the mod, so it's kinda got to be. Hope you like it!
P.s. This website works MUCH better with firefox
These are just a few of the mods I thought were nice. Check out the Hon Repository to see if you can find any you like!
4-20-2010 I've been busy the past few days. Aside from being sick. I'm glad to see the clan continuing to grow!
4-16-2010 Ps7cho's Hon Mod recommendations:
Well... Ps7cho's bein' a butt. So I don't have the link to the good mods we found, but here a link to the entire list of the mods... Hon Repository ~StudMuffin
3-31-2010 Slowly making progress on smoothing out the layout xD. I'm also in the works of a 'quotes' page, where I'll post "questionable" quotes, which are sayings or general phrases that we as friends come up with in our spare time when we hang out together or playing online.
Open Beta starts Today! Let the disgusting Pub stomping begin!!!! ~StudMuffin
3-29-2010 Until enough people get the client for our Vent Server, I'm going to be keeping it offline. No use keeping it up all the time if no one is using it :P ~StudMuffin
3-25-2010 You can now download our Ventrilo Client Here. The only catch is you need a password to unlock the ZIP archive :D so you've still gotta get in touch with me to use it. Before you can connect to our vent server, I need to add your IP to the Allowed List. I'm a bit touchy about security. ~StudMuffin
There's this new game in development called Heroes of Newerth (HoN). If you've ever heard of Warcraft III Frozen Throne, and the DotA game(or add-on multiplayer map) that goes along with it, that's basically what HoN is. The difference? Well, you could say it's on steroids. Better graphics, more intense game-play, different characters and a slew of other things. It has a firm center around online game-play. The boys at S2 have really picked up something good here. While it's the same thing as DotA, it's very different in a good way, it's better! If you think you're good enough to try it out, you can visit their website. Although you should look for them on facebook to get a BETA key. I believe you can also pre-purchase the game to receive a beta key, and secure your game name for the future! Or you can ask me. If we're good enough friends i might give you one ;)